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  /    /  Tony Gallo

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Look at me!

‘There’s no need to tell me what you’re feeling. I can see for myself!’ — MOVIE CLIP
Tony Gallo’s wall is a window open to a full moon night. The hearts of its two characters can be heard beating in time to the sound of the sea a few metres away.
Two birds are playing the lovers’ part, dialoguing almost without talking, and a hidden hands game is underway: ‘I love you but can’t muster up the courage to tell you!’
The characters of this moonlit poem have no need of words. Their gentle actions speak directly to the eyes of those looking at them.

Tony Gallo / Street Artist

Tony Gallo was born in Padua in 1975 where he still lives and works.
His artistic journey began in music, in a band until 2008, the year he turned to painting, a long-term passion of his which he used to fill the vacuum left by the breakup of the band.
As a self-taught artist his visions and compositional experimentation falls into no specific framework but is an expression of his personality in a language whose affinities are with the world of street art and involves setting out on a journey in painting form, using both walls and canvas as supports in work whose vision of art is an entirely emotional one.
His work began to take on a multi-faceted style in which anthropomorphic characters – half animal half human being – come to life and nature and poetry meld into one.
The use of materials typical of street writers, such as spray paint, together with his rapid compositional movements, make Tony Gallo one of a group of new artists turning their hands to a characteristically emotional art whose distinguishing features are poetry, magic and feelings melding into the colours and harmonies of a universe right out of the artist’s imagination.
The sensitivity of characters looking out silently and respectfully at onlookers is now the unmistakeable emblem of a quiet watchful generation nurtured by dreams and expectations.
Over the years Tony Gallo’s magic has graffitied the walls of many towns and cities and work of his is to be found in a range of sites, first and foremost of which is his native Padua but later Imola, Treviso, Dolo and Bassano del Grappa. His lexicon on canvas has also found its way into a range of collectives and solo exhibitions in Padua, Rovigo, Vicenza, Treviso, Bassano del Grappa and London, where he crossed over into a more international dimension, taking his work as far afield as Holland and Switzerland.

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