Urban art revolutionizes tourism: Malibu Beach becomes an “art oasis”
Street art bursts into the world of tourism to bring about a revolution and change the face of vacations. At the Malibu Beach in Jesolo Pineta five talented artists have revolutionized the look of mobile homes, transforming the atmosphere of the village into an oasis of brand new creativity.
Fresh from their experiences at the Padua Street Art Biennale and the Caorle Festival, the artists Tony Gallo, Alessio-B, Boogie-Ead, Any and Zeromentale bring their incredible talent directly to the walls of the Jesolo village to impress their style and thought: there are those who celebrate love in all its facets and “draw” poems on the walls, those who, through abstract shapes and color movements, recall the artistic beauties typical of the area, such as the Venetian stained glass windows, and those who, instead, through strong works, with profound contents, recall the important social issues of the moment, praising peace and non-violence. Thus, in the alternation of messages brought to life by a vast range of colors and sprays, Malibu Beach is transformed into an “Urban Art Oasis”, a place where art and holidays entwine each other so as not to be anymore divided, just as happens in large large cities.
The project of this open-air art gallery, strongly desired by Nicoletta Speziali di Panigai and Fabio Rossini, visionary owners, in love with the world of art, makes the Malibu Beach in Jesolo a unique village in the European panorama, capable of uniting art and nature to the classic concept of vacation; the project was also made possible thanks to the collaboration of all the artists involved, to the architect Simona Favrin for curating the #UrbanArtOasis project, to Giovanni Cagnassi for the reportage and to all those who contributed: Emilio Gianvenuti and Gianluca Simonella.
This initiative not only adds value to the village’s tourism brand, but also offers visitors the opportunity to immerse themselves in a totally new and innovative summer experience. «The idea was born last year – explains architect Favrin – after the success of the Padua Biennale, when I proposed to the artists to experiment with the transformation of mobile homes. This year the project was realized, transforming the Malibu Beach Village into a true open-air art gallery that extends along the beach, capturing the essence of the sea and the wind. The artists are enthusiastic about the result obtained, having given life to their works according to their intimate and personal vision. By participating in street art festivals around the world, they have welcomed this new challenge, convinced that it will also be successful among the guests.” Thus, in the name of art, the new 2024 season is ready to start.