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  /    /  Sonia Uniati / Photographer

The Photo Shoots

An artistic intervention shines in the new Mobile Homes: the shots of photographers Anna Socci and Sonia Uniati follow each other across the wall in the bedrooms of the houses, creating an ideal photo gallery inspired by the guiding theme “Urban Art Oasis”.


Sonia Uniati / Photographer


I have no romantic stories to tell about how my passion for photography was born, no memories of me as a child holding my parents’ camera, no innate desire to take pictures from the earliest years of life. But I loved to draw, as a child I drew a lot which led me to achieve a high school diploma in art. Perhaps there was already some clue… but I only discovered the passion at the age of 27 almost by chance: one autumn Sunday morning I decided to go to the beach bringing me the old reflex camera and a roll of film for no specific reason.

I have always considered training to be fundamental in any area of ​​life and photography was no exception. Courses and workshops followed that allowed me to first learn the basics and then the more advanced techniques, ranging from various genres: from portraits to still life to reportage. A journey into this art that continues today.

I am a person of few words and perhaps for this reason photography allows me to tell my point of view on the world: the unattended moment, the trace that something is about to happen or has happened. I am looking for the perfect instant, when the world drops all its defenses and shows its beauty in what may seem an insignificant detail to most eyes.

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